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In-Sight 9902L Line Scan Vision System

Self-contained vision system for inspecting large, cylindrical, and continuously moving objects

In-Sight 9902L Series Features

内置的9902L 2K线扫描智能摄像机是高分辨率的独立视觉系统,非常适合对大型,圆柱或连续移动的物体进行详细检查。9902L每行最多可获得16,000行2,000像素,以产生32MP的图像,该图像甚至可以用于检测最小的特征和缺陷。每秒以每秒67,000行的收购以达到最快的生产线。这种独立的视觉系统仅需要对目标部分的一小部分视图,这是具有限制性视野或安装空间要求的安装的理想选择。

In-Sight 9902L Line Scanning manufactured car door
Side view of In-Sight 9902L over black wet background

The only self-contained line scan system


Inspects long, cylindrical, and continuously moving parts


  • Cylindrical objects, such automotive filters and batteries, where 100% if the product’s surface can be inspected as it rotates along the production line
  • Label inspection on curved surfaces, such as soup cans or bottles wrappers, that can be “unrolled” into a 2D flat surface for inspection
  • Large objects, such as solar cells and car door panels that can be imaged and inspected as a whole
In-Sight 9902L Line Scan Camera mounted under conveyor belt


The In-Sight 9902L has a blazing fast 67 kHz line rate, acquiring each line of data in just 15 microseconds. Capturing 2,000 pixels with each line, the camera delivers 32MP images (16,000 lines) that enable vision tools to perform highly detailed inspections.





Cognexrepresentatives are available worldwide to support your vision and industrial barcode reading needs.

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