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3D Vision Solutions for Consumer Product Applications


Consumer product applications have different requirements than industrial applications. Text and images on packaging are important to brand recognition, communication, and even consumer safety.

以下三个Vignettes显示了Intive 3D-L4000 Vision系统的快速且易于易于到消费产品应用程序的2D和3D功能。

Painless Label and Packaging Inspection

A pain reliever manufacturer needed a machine vision system for label and packaging inspection that could:

  • Inspect boxes
  • Detect defects
  • Confirm presence and readability of labels

选择内侧3D-L4000为其功能和易于使用的软件。使用先进的智能摄像头和2D和3D软件在单一紧凑的设计中同时运行,设置快速直观。系统验证了包装和标签质量,并在简单的用户界面中传达结果。此外,用户友好的界面允许内部技术人员和操作员管理,监控和更改软件,以满足特定的应用要求。In-Sight 3D-L4000迅速集成到止痛药生产线,成功保持包装质量,品牌认可和消费者安全。

As part of the inspection of packaged goods, the In-Sight 3D-L4000 smart camera detects 3D features by imaging displacements of a projected laser line. High-quality 2K resolution and patented speckle-free blue laser optics allow the camera to capture details on labels, text, and images on the surface of packages. These 2D capabilities leverage the tools in the industry-proven Cognex In-Sight software. The software has also been upgraded, with a new 3D toolset to solve multiple machine vision challenges simultaneously.

Additionally, the In-Sight 3D-L4000’s unique blue-laser optical design has several benefits including:

  • Eye safe operation
  • More light delivered to the surface than competing solutions
  • Accurate 3D point clouds for measurements
  • Capability to capture a scan even with a percentage of the laser is blocked by debris


Best-Fit Volume Inspection


  • Inspect for the presence of both shoes
  • 测量体积以确定鞋子的尺寸

3D-L4000 camera scanning shoes boxes on conveyor belt and screenshot from inspection software

For this inspection, the In-Sight 3D-L4000 smart camera with In-Sight software and 2D and 3D tools provided quick setup and easy integration for accurate, repeatable results.. The In-Sight 3D-L4000’s precise volume data determined that both shoes were in the box and verified shoe size. This 3D solution used advanced 3D technology to expand what was possible to achieve in a consumer product environment with short turnaround times.


In another situation, the In-Sight 3D-L4000 inspected floorboards. The smart camera detected 3D defects on the floorboard surfaces, such as bumps and dents, while 2D capabilities verified that surfaces were free of visual imperfections like paint splats. The smart camera’s ability to inspect continuously was important due to the length of the boards and the speed of the process.


看到3 d-l4000's unique speckle-free laser system is hardened against debris blocking the laser light through a unique optical solution. As a result, designers can confidently install the In-Sight 3D-L4000 upside down, scanning the bottom of the boards without unnecessary fear that airborne contaminants will render the system useless.

Machine Vision Solutions for Every Application and Skill-Level

看到3 d-l4000 vision system from Cognex comes with In-Sight software that enables users to quickly integrate and change tools. All data is presented clearly in the user-friendly Spreadsheet environment. Technicians and operators can monitor, manage, and maintain complex jobs with minimal training.

In-Sight 3D-L4000消费产品检测应用程序成功地检测2D和3D缺陷和表面质量。凭借其紧凑的设计,智能相机易于集成和管理。最后,直观和广泛的软件为未来的检查要求和应用提供了灵活性。

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