



2021 marks the 40th Anniversary of Cognex. It’s unusual for any business to be around for 40 years, and it’s even more unusual for a technology company. Not only has Cognex survived, but we have become the recognized leader in machine vision. Our success is based on a long tradition of being innovative, bold, and creative. While we have the reputation and financial strength of a 40-year-old company, we move fast like a start-up! We are a company that values working hard to become the best at what we do, but we are also a company that has a sense of humor and is young in spirit.

康涅狄克创始人Robert Shillman博士,Marilyn Matz和Bill Silver

A New Company, and a New Industry

康涅狄格州公司于1981年由罗伯特J.Shillman博士,位于马萨诸塞州理工学院的人类视觉感知讲师。Shillman博士决定离开学术界以启动康经痛,投资他的生命节省10万美元的公司。他邀请了两个麻省理工学院的研究生 - 玛丽莲马兹和比尔银 - 与他一起努力,提供免费自行车,让他们让他们离开麻省理工学院。玛丽莲和账单的暑期工作是什么,原来是职业的开始,因为他们继续帮助联合公司。这三个人获得了康经新克的开始 - 它的名字是来自“认知专家”短语的名字。



冒险家company history original dataman
冒险家win SEMI Award 2005




冒险家's OEM-focused strategy paid off. In early 1987, the company became profitable for the first time in its history. Cognex went public on the NASDAQ exchange in 1989, at $1.38 per share. Within one year, the stock price had tripled.

冒险家founders nasdaq tower IPO launch
冒险家Dr. Bob Shillman with early product


Today’s vision systems have come a long way since the first DataMan system was developed in the early 1980s. The functionality and user-focused design now available to Cognex customers is the result of over 39 years of hands-on experience developing new vision technology and solving the industry's most challenging vision applications.

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